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Welcome to Restaurant Emilia

In our popular and homely restaurant "Emilia" we serve breakfast, lunch and dinner .
The restaurant takes up to 400 seated guests.  The resturant has excellent conditions for large and small parties.

Restaurant Emilia is open every day of the week , during these days you are welcome to choose from our delicious à la carte menu.

Opening hours

Best Breakfast
Mån - Fred 06:00 - 09.30

Lörd-Sönd              07:00 - 10.00

Mån - Fre 11:30 - 14:00

A´la carte
Mån - Sön               17:00 - 23:00


Best Breakfast

Enjoy Best Breakfast in restaurant Emilia.


Traditional or exotic every day. Homemade bread, coffe and dessert as well.


Our dinner is served in a great atmosphere. The menu is based on each season.
Our dinner is served in a great atmosphere. The menu is based on each season .
Our dinner is served in a great atmosphere. The menu is based on each season .

Dance evening

Visit our popular dancevenings on fridays.


Deep in the bedrock is our excellent wine cellar ready for your taste adventure. 

BWH(SM) hotels are independently owned and operated. ©2024 Best Western International, Inc.
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