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BEST WESTERN Gustaf Fröding Hotel & Conference

Dance package

There was dancing away in the road ... On our dance nights, you get a fun evening.

Golf package

Customize your own golf trip with one of our eight different golf courses nearby

Vacation package

A terrific offer for a wonderful holiday week in Karlstad. Enjoy our pool area and relaxing Spa.

When you enter the Best WesternN Gustaf Fröding Hotel & Conference you should be able to relax and let go of all the stress of everyday life. You step into Gustaf Fröding living room when checking in. We offer you a good book in the library that you can enjoy in a comfortable armchair into a hot cup of coffee. You also have the opportunity to visit our newly built gym and our new SPA department!

This family hotel is right in the heart of Värmland. Beautifully situated between dense forest and beautiful Lake Vänern , at the height just north of Karlstad city center. It is easy to understand where Sweden's most beloved poet Gustaf Fröding , got his inspiration .

... And that is perhaps why so many guests choose to attend a conference or staying for a few nights with just us!

Welcome to us!

BWH(SM) hotels are independently owned and operated. ©2025 Best Western International, Inc.
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